VoWiFi E9-1-1
Comtech is changing the way your subscribers reach 9-1-1.

Carriers are investing in Voice over Wireless Fidelity (VoWiFi) service to improve coverage in rural areas, extend 9-1-1 to roaming subscribers, and increase location accuracy for indoor calls.
Comtech’s VoWiFi E9-1-1 service ensures these carriers can comply with federally mandated emergency call routing rules and regulations.
Product Details
VoWiFi E9-1-1 enables real-time subscriber data updates, including location, so dispatch centers can identify roaming call locations.
Our VoIP Positioning Center (VPC) provides emergency call-routing instructions and caller location information to the appropriate public safety answering point (PSAP).
Our VoWiFi E9‑1‑1 solution supports multiple call-routing configurations and can accommodate routing by geolocation (lat/lon in PIDF‑LO), Master Street Address Guide (MSAG)-validated civic address, default routing to a national emergency call center, and more.
Industry Compliance
Our VoWiFi E9‑1‑1 solution complies with the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) i2 standard and the latest applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandates.
Features & Benefits
Key Feature | Benefit |
NENA i2 Standards Based VoIP Positioning Center (VPC) | Enables interconnected VoIP service providers (VSPs), including carriers launching VoWiFi service, to comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for routing E9-1-1 calls. |
ALI Link™ Service | Provides access to standardized Automatic Location Information (ALI) databases through a single steering point, which saves VSPs the expense of building their own data circuits. |
B2B Subscriber Provisioning Application Programming Interface (API) | Provides an automated method for provisioning subscriber records, improving speed of deployment and customer acquisition. |
LivE9-1-1 (Web-Based Subscriber Provisioning Tool) | Acts as a secure front end to Comtech’s subscriber database, allowing authorized users to add, modify and delete individual records in the Location Information Server (LIS). |
Flexible Emergency Call Routing Options | Route calls using any combination of provisioned civic address, lat/lon (PIDF-LO), and emergency call center. This flexibility allows for a phased rollout of VoWiFi service. |
Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) Address Validation | Confirms that subscriber-provided addresses are in a format preferred by public safety entities. |
Emergency Response Center | Ensures that, if for any reason a call cannot be routed automatically, an Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO)-trained and certified call taker will answer the 9-1-1 call for help and route the call to the appropriate PSAP. |