Emergency Call Management
Получите все необходимое для управления экстренными вызовами любого формата в одном гибком мультимедийном решении - от базовой технологии управления вызовами до пользовательского интерфейса на рабочем столе.

Интегрированная, гибкая обработка и управление вызовами
Our Guardian Call Handling is the most flexible multimedia emergency call management solution for public safety answering points (PSAPs).
Она упрощает обработку вызовов 9-1-1, позволяет в режиме реального времени собирать важную голосовую, текстовую, информационную и видеоинформацию, а также улучшает предоставление богатых данных ситуационной осведомленности.
Управление любым звонком или средством массовой информации
Comtech NG9-1-1 Call Handling solution is designed to provide all of the functionality needed to manage 9-1-1 calls in any format and to collect and deliver rich, situational awareness information from any source — today and tomorrow:
- Next-generation voice
- Text-to-911
- Text-from-911
- Real-time texting
- 3D location mapping
- Image-enriched messaging
- Video-enhanced data

Получите полную, настраиваемую обработку вызовов
At the desktop, the user-centric, customizable next-generation 9-1-1 Call Handling solution is optimized for call takers based on human-centered design (HCD) principles for comfortable ergonomics, intuitive usability, and efficient call processing. The modular screen layout provides the highest level of flexibility to fit the unique and individual workflow of each call taker with:
- Customized icons and buttons
- Buttons sized for touch-screen operation
- Mute, privacy, and hold buttons
- Intelligent transfer buttons that allow call takers to select the type of outgoing call based on the type of incoming call
- Buttons sized for call takers with visual disabilities
- Text-to-911 capabilities that allow call takers to initiate text conversations
- Multimedia interfaces for non-voice communications, including text messages, instant messaging, and telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/TTY)
Customized Call Management & Control
Behind the desktop, Comtech’s 9-1-1 Call Handling solution leverages the full power of our innovative call control system. This full-featured, customizable system is built on open standards. It provides a simple, evolutionary path to next-generation emergency call management requirements and enables future enhancements without replacing the underlying infrastructure.
To ensure a perfect fit, we work with you to configure the system to meet your PSAP’s unique needs with a variety of features, including:
- Обработка и управление экстренными вызовами по IP (VoIP)
- Интегрированные функции "текст на 911" и "текст с 911
- Практически неограниченное количество высококачественных конференций
- Управление вызовами на основе карт
- Экстренное оповещение

Использование новых технологий
Comtech leverages the latest voice, text, data, and video communications standards, protocols, and technologies and conforms to all regulatory standards.
Unlike other offerings that have been modified for next-generation applications, Comtech 9-1-1 Call Handling solution is specifically engineered for legacy and IP-based emergency call management and control and for converging traditional voice and data into a single communications workflow.