Recent Contract Wins

In the past year, we’ve made great headway in both of our businesses, Terrestrial & Wireless Networks and Satellite & Space Communications. In this infographic, we highlight key contract wins, with a total realized & potential value of over $1 billion. We have best-in-class technology, people and services, and we’re successfully operating in growing markets to meet the needs of customers who have high expectations for quality and reliability. We’re winning new business, and building on existing relationships – validating Comtech’s business is not only built on a strong foundation, but can scale to meet demand.

We encourage you to read more about how we’re performing in these markets here, and if you’re interested in learning more about these specific deals, you can learn more from the formal announcements here.  

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information in this blog post contains statements that are forward-looking in nature and involve certain significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results and performance could differ materially from such forward-looking information. The Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings identify many such risks and uncertainties. Any forward-looking information in this press release is qualified in its entirety by the risks and uncertainties described in such Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

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