How AI Will Enhance NG911

Next-generation 911 (NG911) has dramatically improved public safety, making it possible to better locate callers, accept text messages, and receive images or video to help assess an incident. With the latest artificial intelligence (AI) releases, Public Safety Answering Points PSAPs can now introduce another crucial layer of efficiency and precision to emergency response. While some may hesitate to embrace AI for fear it will replace the human beings doing the work and making the decisions, AI can work as a significant extension of employees, such as those in PSAPs, to help them do their jobs better and faster. Here, we outline the key ways AI could transform NG911 for the better.

Real-Time Call Transcription:

Deploying AI to transcribe calls as they’re unfolding will help eliminate confusion between callers and dispatchers so there is an accurate record of their discussion to determine next steps. Aside from cataloging the conversation, AI could also determine sounds and sentiment for additional analysis.

Live Translation:

In addition to recording what is being said, AI can also determine in what language it is being said in so it can quickly translate it for dispatchers to make faster decisions. This will help make emergency response more inclusive, while improving response times.

Call Categorization:

AI can help categorize calls in two ways – by triaging them and prioritizing them. When a call comes in, AI can determine the level of emergency by analyzing the audio and text transcripts, and then route to the appropriate dispatch team, whether it requires the medical, police or fire department.

Call Analytics:

As AI tools analyze calls, it can help PSAPs identify patterns for potential emergencies. For example, if several callers are reporting breathing issues, it could lead PSAPs to conclude that there is a localized gas leak and respond appropriately before it affects more of the surrounding community. Another application of this type of analysis could help police identify suspects if a PSAP is getting calls from people about being robbed and callers report their attackers leaving in a similar model or color vehicle.

With AI NG911 capabilities, PSAPs will be able to better handle call volume and respond to emergency requests with more accuracy. With this in mind, Comtech has already begun integrating AI into its NG911 solutions. This summer, we launched SmartAssist which helps PSAPs assess incoming emergency calls to prioritize them and then route them to the appropriate agency. With SmartAssist, PSAPs can address staff shortages and budget constraints while reducing response times and maintaining high service standards with limited resources. It’s an offering we’re excited to expand on in the future, and help make emergency response as efficient as possible.

Forward-Looking Statements

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