Communications on the Move
Comtech’s Troposcatter Family of Systems (FoS) has proven to be a robust and flexible platform to effectively deliver Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) high capacity, backhaul, communications in a wide range of environments. The Troposcatter FoS consists of multiple terminals that range in size from large scale transit case based transportable systems to small form-factor systems that can be easily flown anywhere in the world in airline checkable cases. Larger terminals in the Tropscatter FoS are currently deployed in widespread geographic locations to provide 50 to 100 Mbps of throughput at BLOS distances in excess of 100 plus nautical miles. For shorter distance requirements, the smallest terminal in the Troposcatter FoS can be paired with Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) antennas.
In a recent demonstration, Comtech and Spectra Group proved that our Troposcatter Family of Systems (FoS) can provide effective Communications-On-the-Move (COTM) capabilities at ranges and throughput values typically associated with fixed emplacement communications systems. This demonstration illustrated that Comtech’s Troposcatter FoS can now be paired with advanced antenna systems that provide automatic pointing and tracking capabilities that enable fixed-to-mobile platform and mobile-to-mobile platform communications.
AESA antennas utilize beamforming and software-based electronic steering to give our systems the ability to find and track each other whether the systems are stationary or moving. Pairing the smaller terminals with AESA antennas significantly reduces the moving parts of the system, lowers power consumption compared to mechanical tracking systems, and eliminates the need for human intervention for antenna pointing and link acquisition. The small size and weight of the terminal and AESA combination allows the system to be easily integrated into land vehicles and installed in cramped quarters aboard sea-faring vessels; all while providing multi-MBPS throughput out to distances of 70 miles or more. Comtech has showed that this type of system could provide 87 Mbps of throughput at 40 miles in Sea State 4 conditions. Through multiple successful Troposcatter FoS capabilities demonstrations, Comtech and Spectra Group have been able to show the value of On-the-Move, Over-the-Horizon communications for commercial and government customers operations across a wide range of land and maritime environments to illustrate the benefits of bringing high-capacity communications to the tactical edge. Regardless of ground obstructions or sea states, the Comtech Troposcatter COTM member of the FoS can be counted on to extend critical voice, video, and data services to forward mobile elements with throughput values typically associated with fixed terminals.

Comtech’s portfolio of defense and security technologies, including the company’s Troposcatter FoS, are uniquely positioned to deliver capabilities that will enhance Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) operations. The company has extensive experience developing and deploying customized, interoperable, robust, and resilient communications systems for all branches of the DOD and coalition forces. Comtech’s expansive portfolio of defense and security technologies is designed to continuously evolve over time to meet emerging Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) use cases and enhance mission effectiveness in future all domain command and control operations.
This article is the third in a series that will focus on important Troposcatter use cases including: Relay Link Replacement, Troposcatter Communications on the Move, Obstructed Line of Sight Communications, Operations in Contested/Congested Satellite Environments, and Extension of Services.
Comtech’s Troposcatter FoS meets the CJADC2 communication needs. Contact a Comtech representative at contact us, to discuss how Comtech’s Troposcatter FoS can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization
Learn more about the Troposcatter Family of Systems below
1. Introduction
5. Operations in Contested/Congested Satellite Environments