Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 Multi-Orbit SATCOM Platform for Global Customers
Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 delivers new advancements to connect people across the globe using the best available SATCOM networks across all orbits.
Comtech’s new software-defined, scalable, and adaptable ground infrastructure system is designed to meet the always-on connectivity demands of governments, communities, and businesses around the world.
Built on the Company’s field-proven, multi-orbit Very Small Aperture Terminal (“VSAT”) products and nearly 60 years of experience developing innovative SATCOM ground systems for global customers, Comtech’s ELEVATE 2.0 is designed to connect people across the globe with the best available networks on all SATCOM orbits in a single low Size Weight and Power (“SWaP”) platform.
Designed from the ground up as a software-defined network architecture, Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 leverages the best of the Company’s existing VSAT platforms and integrates new capabilities to meet customer demands for a solution that can deliver global connectivity by easily roaming across the best available networks, whether over Very High Throughput Satellites (“V-HTS”), Low Earth Orbit (“LEO”) constellations, Geostationary Earth Orbit (“GEO”) networks, or any other constellation with a single low SWaP platform.
Other operational advantages for customers include:
Disaggregated Architecture: Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 provides a disaggregated architecture which comprises very low-cost wideband hardware processor at the teleport and centralized packet processing in software at a data center—offering extensive scalability and unique flexibility options for new and existing SATCOM constellations across all orbital regimes.
Increased Bandwidth and Processing Power: Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 offers customers up to a three-fold increase in bandwidth and up to eight times greater processing density compared to the Company’s existing VSAT model.
Enhanced Cybersecurity Features: Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 implements zero trust architecture with state-of-the-art authentication and encryption.
Real-time Upgrades: The software-defined nature of Comtech’s ELEVATE 2.0 platform enables the system to keep pace with the upgrade cycles necessary in today’s rapidly evolving SATCOM market.
Low SWaP: Comtech ELEVATE 2.0 provides ultra compact terminals and portable gateways, reducing the SWaP of the Company’s existing VSAT platforms by a factor ranging from 2 to 8 depending on the configuration.