사이버 보안

인식 및 교육

Build a strong security culture and empower your employees to become the first line of defense. Explore our vast catalog of cyber skills labs and courses to prove you have what it takes to make it in your future cyber job.

business meeting

끊임없이 진화하는 위협에 맞서기 위해서는 최첨단 접근 방식이 중요합니다.

Comtech delivers contemporary, engaging, and reliable cyber security training to:

  • Protect your company, clients, and workforce. Our holistic solution will help you efficiently reduce the risk of cyber security breaches.
  • Influence your workforce’s cyber security practices. Harnessing the power of micro learning, we equip employees with the skills to fend off digital threats.
  • Stay vigilant throughout the year. We ensure your cyber security knowledge remains current with the latest threat landscape.

사이버 인식

Our 350+ labs and customizable training courses let you efficiently elevate your employees’ cyber security competency with integrated analytics.

실습 기반의 성과 기반 평가 도구와 실제 실습 환경을 통해 학습 격차를 파악하고 기술을 개발하여 팀이 경쟁에서 앞서나갈 수 있도록 지원합니다.

woman sitting with laptop

강의실 교육

Our Cyber Services Group is a premier cyber security training organization, supporting Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community clients with classroom training certified by the American Council on Education.

전직 국가 정보 커뮤니티 멤버로 구성된 저희 팀은 진화하는 위협 환경에 대응하는 데 필요한 능력을 키우는 데 있어 실습 위주의 실용적인 사이버 보안 교육이 중요한 역할을 한다는 사실을 잘 알고 있습니다.

기성 교육 프로그램

다양한 산업과 다양한 상황에 맞는 교육 프로그램을 준비했습니다. 

신입 사원, 피싱 및 비밀번호 보안, 원격 근무, 금융, 보험, 의료 등 전문 분야를 위해 특별히 고안된 교육 과정 중에서 선택하세요.

여러 언어로 제공

사이버 스트롱거 콘텐츠 및 학습 플랫폼은 이미 영어, 덴마크어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어, 스웨덴어, 노르웨이어로 제공되고 있습니다. 더 많은 언어가 곧 제공될 예정입니다.

모든 동영상은 모든 언어로 쉽게 번역할 수 있습니다.

규정 준수 인증

GDPR, ISO27001, PCI-DSS 또는 기타 표준에 관계없이 당사의 보안 인식 교육은 완벽하게 준수합니다. 

규정을 준수하는 방법에 대해 궁금한 점이 있는 경우 보안 전문가가 도움을 드릴 수 있습니다.

Workforce Training Courses

Hands-on training for the cyber professionals of tomorrow.

CYB300 – Cyber Security Awareness

자세히 알아보기

LNX200 – Fundamentals Of Linux Security

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DEV300 – Hardening Php Web Apps

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DEV400 – Introduction To Programming C

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DEV550 – Python For Pentesters

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FOR300 – Basic Digital Media Forensics

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FOR400 – Fundamentals Of Network Forensics

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FOR410 – Mobile Device Forensics

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IR500 – Incident Response

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MAL400 – Fundamentals Of Malware Analysis

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MAL500 – Reverse Engineering Malware

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MAL600 – Advanced Malware Analysis

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PEN300 – OWASP Top 10 Exploitation Bootcamp

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PEN450 – Hacking & Web Exploitation Bootcamp

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PEN500 – Pentesting & Network Exploitation

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PEN540 – Wireless Pentesting & Network Exploitation

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PEN550 – Advanced Pentest Bootcamp

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PEN600 – Advanced Web Application Exploitation

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Man attending Cyber training lab on computer

Cyber Training Labs

CyberStronger has over 350 training labs and over 1000 challenge labs available for practitioners to develop and enhance their skills in an independent fashion.

Labs are sold in bundles, curated around various cyber topic areas including incident response, malware analysis, exploitation, penetration testing and vulnerability assessment, reverse engineering, information assurance and cyber forensics. Our labs are available in a hosted on-demand environment so students can learn by doing wherever they are, whether in a classroom, workplace or at home.

Evaluate real-time user performance in an online virtual learning environment today.