Comtech Telecommunications Corp. Receives $4.2 Million of Funding to Develop Upgraded Dual-Mode BFT Satellite Transceiver and Antenna Nulling Technology

July 16, 2019– Comtech Telecommunications Corp. (NASDAQ: CMTL) announced today, that during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019, its Command & Control Technologies group, through its Maryland-based subsidiary, Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation, which is part of Comtech’s Government Solutions segment, was awarded $4.2 million in rapid innovation funding from the U.S. Army for an enhanced version of Comtech’s next generation MT-2025 Blue Force Tracking (“BFT”) satellite terminal that will incorporate a dual-mode BFT satellite transceiver and new antenna nulling technology.

Comtech’s next generation MT-2025 transceiver, which is also known as the Blue Force Tracker-2 High Capacity (“BFT-2-HC”) Satellite Transceiver, meets BFT-2 protocols, provides best-in-class reliability and is fully backward compatible with the U.S. Army’s Blue-Force Tracking-1 system (“BFT-1”).

“These awards demonstrate the Army’s high confidence in Comtech’s BFT technology and innovation capabilities that can be used on future BFT systems,” said Fred Kornberg, President and Chief Executive Officer of Comtech Telecommunications Corp. “Comtech remains committed to providing the U.S. Army and its soldiers with the most innovative technology, enabling them to successfully complete all their missions, regardless of electronic warfare environments.”

Comtech currently provides sustaining support for the U.S Army’s BFT-1 system and previously shipped over 100,000 BFT-1 mobile satellite transceivers.

Le groupe Technologies de commandement et de contrôle est l'un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions C4ISR critiques et hautement mobiles.

Comtech Telecommunications Corp. conçoit, développe, produit et commercialise des produits, des systèmes et des services innovants pour des solutions de communication avancées. L'entreprise vend ses produits à une clientèle diversifiée sur les marchés mondiaux des communications commerciales et gouvernementales.

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Médias :

Michael D. Porcelain, premier vice-président et directeur des opérations


[email protected]

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