Comtech Unveils New BRIDGE Solutions to Increase Access to Global Hybrid Connectivity

Solutions uniquely designed to BRIDGE the digital divide and complement existing networks

Sept. 12, 2023– Comtech (NASDAQ: CMTL) today launched its new blended, resilient, integrated, digital, global, end-to-end (BRIDGE) connectivity solutions. Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions provide portable, adaptable, full-service communications networks that can be established in a matter of hours and help “bridge the gap” for traditional satellite and terrestrial infrastructures.

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Comtech's BRIDGE solutions are designed to be infrastructure, cloud, and application agnostic-enabling new options for interoperable connectivity services and applications in the world's most challenging geographies. (Photo: Business Wire)

Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions are designed to be infrastructure, cloud, and application agnostic-enabling new options for interoperable connectivity services and applications in the world’s most challenging geographies. (Photo: Business Wire)

Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions are designed to overcome geographical and environmental challenges to deliver robust and resilient connectivity to places where it was previously unavailable or overlooked. The company’s BRIDGE solutions are tailored to meet urgent needs of initial customer sets including emergency service providers, remote communities, military operators, and maritime customers.

“Our new BRIDGE connectivity solutions align with our mission to democratize access to communications technologies and empower a truly connected planet,” said Ken Peterman, President and CEO, Comtech. “As the name implies, Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions will play a significant role in bridging the digital divide and delivering connectivity to commercial and government customers when and where it matters most. BRIDGE provides a brand-new layer of connectivity that complements existing satellite and terrestrial services to keep people connected and help usher in a new era of unified hybrid network architectures that will enable always-on, ubiquitous global connectivity.”

Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions are designed to be infrastructure, cloud, and application agnostic-enabling new options for interoperable connectivity services and applications in the world’s most challenging geographies. With Comtech’s software-defined technology embedded at the core, BRIDGE solutions can continuously evolve over time to meet emerging government and commercial use cases as well as support future smart-enabled networks across a variety of global markets and geographies.

The company’s BRIDGE solutions deliver vital information both line of sight (LOS) as well as hundreds of miles over the horizon, or beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS). Inclement weather, which can interfere with satellite and terrestrial networks, enhances the performance of Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions-allowing this new technology to bridge the gap when other communications networks are unavailable.

Over the summer, Comtech began introducing BRIDGE to select customers. In August, the company successfully completed multiple proof of concept demonstrations for its BRIDGE solutions for maritime users. During the customer demonstrations, the BRIDGE solutions showcased unique, robust, and resilient ship-to-shore connectivity-delivering reliable on the move communications capabilities nearly 70 miles from shore.

BRIDGE solutions are now available for U.S. and international customers including:

  • Emergency Response: Following broad scale natural disasters such as hurricanes, communications infrastructure is often heavily impacted. BRIDGE offer a new mechanism to rapidly restore connectivity infrastructures, which can help keep communities connected and enhance disaster relief efforts.
  • Maritime: BRIDGE solutions provide maritime customers with unique BLOS ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore long distance, high throughput communications capabilities on the move. BRIDGE provides a new alternative to maritime satellite and cellular communications capabilities.
  • Military Operations: BRIDGE deliver new network agnostic, resilient and secure BLOS communications capabilities designed significantly improve situational awareness for U.S. and coalition forces. Comtech’s BRIDGE solutions also create new interoperable connectivity layers needed to enhance Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) operations.
  • Remote Communities: BRIDGE serves as a cost-effective and reliable solution to provide high-speed internet access to remote areas and isolated towns where access to satellite and cellular service remains unavailable.

О компании Комтех

Comtech Telecommunications Corp. является ведущей глобальной технологической компанией, предоставляющей наземные и беспроводные сетевые решения, услуги экстренной связи нового поколения 9-1-1, технологии спутниковой и космической связи, а также облачные технологии коммерческим и государственным заказчикам по всему миру. Наша уникальная культура инноваций и расширения прав и возможностей сотрудников способствует неустанному стремлению к успеху клиентов. Имея множество предприятий, расположенных в технологических коридорах США и всего мира, Comtech использует свое глобальное присутствие, технологическое лидерство и десятилетия опыта для создания самых инновационных коммуникационных решений в мире. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите сайт

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Отношения с инвесторами

Роберт Сэмюэлс


[email protected]

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Джейми Клегг


[email protected]

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